Cookies Policy

| Introduction

Seraphic Advisors may use cookies and other tracking technologies when you visit our website, including any other media form to help customize the Site and improve your experience. We reserve the right to make any changes to this cookies policy from time to time. We are under no legal/contractual obligation to inform you of any changes in this cookies policy. As soon as this cookies policy is updated, modified or amended, the “Last Updated” of this cookies policy shall be accordingly revised. The user is hereby advised to regularly visit this cookies policy to stay informed of any update(s).

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a string of information that assigns you a unique identifier that we store on your computer. We use cookies on our website to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. Among other things, cookies help us keep track of services you have used, the time you spent on each page, record your preferences or registration details, to keep you logged in on the website. Cookies help us understand how you are using our website and therefore, we can customize your experience.

Control of Cookies

Most of the browsers accept cookies by default. Cookies can be manually removed from your device at any time using the tools or settings in your browser. However, rejecting/removing the cookies will have an impact on the features and functionalities that you can use over our website.

Privacy Policy

For more information about how we collect and use your information, please refer to the “Privacy Policy” posted on our Site. This cookies policy shall be a part of Privacy Policy.